Maize Bran (Cattle Feed)
Maize Coarse Bran
Maize Bran or Corn fibre is produced by corn wet-milling. Along with the corn fibres, portions of the protein, oil, and starch from corn are separated with the starch from corn are separated with the fibre stream. Corn fibre is composed of approximately 12-25% starch, 10-13% protein, 33-42% hemicelluloses 15-18% cellulose 3-6% oil, and 1-2% other components, a corn fibre stream coming from dewatering presses contains about 30 to about 50% solids. Rich in nutrients it forms a major ingredient for cattle feed. It has been know to help in increasing the milk yield. However due to concerns of commodity is made available corn fibre is being used as a feedstock for the manufacture of Ethanol.
Maize Fine Bran
This is a medium protein ingredient composed of the bran and fibrous portions. It may or may not contain the condensed corn extracives. It is produced in wet or dry form both. The dried Fine bran analyzes typically as 21% protein 2.5% fat, and 8%fibra. It is a perishable product in 6 10 days and must be fed or stored in an anaerobic environment. As Fine bran is high in certain key nutreitants is widely used in complete feeds dairy and beet cattle, poultry, swine and pet foods.